Free Education Programs Research & Development

Activated Your 90 Billion Neuron Brain Cells

Assalamualaikum and salam hormat,

Our brain contains 80 – 90 billion neurons cells and how to activated that neuron cell? and for what?.

We have 2 products and you can find easily at the International and local market too. The product is specialize for helping others people to  enhancing brains power,  more focus, increase mental and memory speed. No 1 is NooCube and the no 2 is MindLab Pro ( others high rating product suggested ). The both of 2, is not a local product and they came from outsider of Malaysia. How about local product?. I’m sorry, we don’t participated it and we doesn’t have any information about it.

Nootropics Malaysia

Basically we call its nootropics ( also called smart drugs ) or other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity and motivation in healthy individuals. That is the product we are used to activated brain cells. Read more about nootropics and 7 types you should know at my personal blog.

The products is popular among students and professional level. They are used its for increase productivity. How about the price?, its very expensive but valuable for your money ( Malaysia only ).

You also can purchase NooCube today from the official website NooCube.

Or any enquiry and purchase nootropics, please whatsapp / telegram admin at +6011 3222 9401.

Thank You and have a nice days.

p/s: I’m sorry for bad writing skilled, help me to improved my English.


Research & Development

Kami Panggil Smarts Drugs

Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat,

Benda ni admin panggil smart drugs atau nootropics ( bukan dadah sintetik yang kita faham pada hari ini ) dan smarts drugs ini ada banyak jenis, boleh rujuk dekat sini The 7 Types of Nootropics You Should Know. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan produk ini banyaknya dikutip dari herba yang telah disahkan oleh barisan neurosaintis yang boleh dipercayai dan memang selamat untuk digunakan ( ketegori green ).

Kegunaanya untuk meningkatkan kuasa kuda untuk minda, supaya lebih fokus, memperbaiki sel otak yang dah kendur, mengatasi masalah pelupa dan meningkatkan daya konsentrasi pada minda keperingkat tertinggi ( geng Silicon Valley, student dalam bidang perubatan, akauntan banyak guna produk yang serupa ini ). Buat masa ini, ada 2 produk yang mempunyai rating tertinggi dan kalau nak try………….. boleh try salah satu darinya. Anda boleh cuba NOOCUBE atau MIND LAB PRO. Emmm, untuk NooCube stoknya boleh order secara direct dari admin ( stok peribadi dan harga terkini RM210  ) dan Mine Lab Pro kena order direct dari laman web MindLabPro.  Harganya jangan ditanya, agak keras kerana produk ini terpaksa diimport dari luar( masalah currency exchange ). Emmmmm….yang pertama NOOCUBE dan yang kedua MIND LAB PRO.

Kami Panggil Smarts Drugs

Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan yang berkaitan, sila whatsapp/telegram ke talian 01132229401.

Sekian terima kasih dan selamat majujaya.

P/s: rakyat Malaysia perlu lebih bijak supaya tidak diperkudakan lagi.


Brain Booster Malaysia

Noocube - brain booster Malaysia


NooCube is a synergistic blend of nootropics which helps support and enhance your focus, mental speed and memory. Smart way to boost your brain function. Its safe and effective supplement available on market.

That’s where NooCube comes in.

NooCube’s superior formula was designed by top neuroscientists with only clinically backed and rigorously tested ingredients. This eliminates the guesswork and risk of nootropics while offering the safe, effective experience you expect from your supplements.

NooCube creates a heightened mental state in which:

  1. Reactions to stimuli are quicker
  2. Focus becomes clearer
  3. Awareness is heightened
  4. Productivity skyrockets
  5. Efficiency is guaranteed
  6. Mental sharpness is imminent

As such, you can transcend common limitations to get through piles of work, study, or achieve other goals without feeling fatigued or unfocused.

Try NooCube At No Risk to You!

NooCube’s formula has been researched and tested by top neuroscientists and now, we want you to experience the benefits for yourself. The best part is that you can do so with a 60-day money back guarantee.

This means that if you don’t experience the improved memory, concentration, multitasking, communication, mental energy, and general brain functioning you should, you can return NooCube for your money back.

You can purchase NooCube today from the official website NooCube.

Any enquiry, please whatsapp / telegram admin at +6011 3222 9401.

Thank You and have a nice trade.


Free Education Programs

The 7 Types of Nootropics You Should Know

If you have any interest in nootropics, one of the first steps you should take is developing a better understand of each type. After all, with seven to choose from you must understand what each does to select the right choice for your specific needs.

Each type of nootropic stands distinct from the rest and while some have been around for decades since the initial discovery of nootropics, others are relatively new and were released only years ago.

We Call It’s Smart Drugs

The seven types of nootropics include: Natural/Herbal, Racetams, Cholines, Peptides, Vitamin B Derivatives, Ampakines, and Smart Drugs. Below, we’re discussing each, including their unique properties and benefits, to ensure you’re equipped with the knowledge you need to construct your own ideal stack.

Natural/Herbal Nootropics

Natural/herbal nootropics are plant-based nootropics that offer a host of natural benefits. Most notably, they increase brain health and functioning.

Being plant-based, many of these ingredients have been used for thousands of years; it’s just that people didn’t know at the time they were using nootropics! Many of these ingredients are also backed by a number of studies showing their positive effects on brain health.

Because they are natural, they are incredibly safe, giving peace of mind to those who are apprehensive to try nootropics for the first time.

Popular Options: Valorcine, Bacopi Monneri, and Ginkgo Biloba


If one type of nootropic were most popular, it would be racetams. After all, the first ever nootropic synthesized by Dr. Giurgea was Piracetam, one of the most popular nootropics to this day.

All racetams share a similar structure and are composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Each is known to improve core cognitive functioning such as memory and focus while simultaneously boosting mood and improving energy levels.

Racetams are also known to be neuroprotective, meaning they increase cell regrowth while protecting against deterioration.

Popular Options: Piracetam, Pramiracetam, and Oxiracetam


The majority of people are choline deficient, though it is a water-soluble nutrient found naturally in the body. But because it is essential for both brain functioning and health, supplementing your body with the substance is essential.

Although choline nootropics offer benefits such as memory and learning improvements, they are typically taken with other nootropics, specifically racetams. When combined, racetams stimulate acetylcholine receptor sites, allowing for the synthesis of choline nootropics and amplifying their results.

Each choline nootropic offers different benefits. For example, Citicoline increases dopamine levels in the brain while Alpha GPC increases memory and learning, even amongst Alzheimer’s patients. Learning more about each is important prior to making a purchase.

Popular Options: Citicoline, Centrophenoxine, and Alpha GPC.


Peptides are similar to racetams, though the most popular option, Noopept, is widely thought to be much more potent than Piracetam. These nootropics offer benefits similar to racetams as well by improving learning capabilities, energy, alertness, memory, and motivation.

As Dr. Skondia required of nootropics, peptides are well-known for their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. As such, you can take less while enjoying the same results you expect.

Specifically, Noopept stimulates the release of Nerve Growth Factor, a protein essential for the growth and maintenance of neurons and nerve cells throughout the brain and body. By stimulating AMPA and NDMA receptors, this nootropic functions similarly to racetams and ampakines, promising great results for users.

Popular Options: Noopept

Vitamin B Derivatives

Although a small category, Vitamin B derivatives form another major type of nootropics and are used to combat fatigue while increasing both energy and alertness.

Vitamin B derivatives were first synthesized in Japan because the population was deficient in Thiamine, or Vitamin B1. Since then, it has become more popularized and is also used to improve memory by affecting choline, glutamate, and dopamine levels in the brain.

This category of nootropics is well-known for its positive effects on both Alzheimer’s patients and schizophrenics, giving it a more mainstream use.

Popular Options: Sulbutiamine


As one of the newest forms of nootropics, ampakines are also amongst the most potent options available. Like peptides, ampakines stimulate AMPA and NDMA receptors, thereby increasing glutamate levels in the blood. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that greatly affects synaptic plasticity, making it essential for proper learning and memory.

Ampakines are often used as alternatives to stimulants such as Ritalin or something as mainstream as caffeine. However, they aren’t associated with the same negative side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, and a general feeling of restlessness.

Because there is little research on ampakines at the moment and they are relatively new, it’s best to stick with popular options if you want to add these nootropics to your stack. However, they are generally more expensive than other available options.

Popular Options: Sunifiram and Unifiram

Smart Drugs

Smart drugs are typically not nootropics. In fact, most of the substances that are classified as smart drugs do not pass the standards set by Dr.’s Giurgea or Skandia upon the initial discovery of nootropics.

Instead, smart drugs are amphetamine-based, making them stimulants (for example, Adderall). However, there are some drugs like Modafinil that is thought of as a nootropic because it increases levels of the neurotransmitter hypocretin, increasing energy, alertness, and motivation.

Several smart drugs, including Modafinil, are heavily regulated and restricted in the United States. As such, most users turn to alternatives like Adrafinil as an alternative because it converts into Modafinil upon digestion.

Popular Options: Adderil, Modafinil, and Adrafinil

Educate Yourself to Choose the Best Nootropics for Your Needs

Whether your goal is to increase synaptic plasticity with ampakines, improve memory and energy with racetams, or take a bet on smart drugs, there is a nootropic for everyone.

By learning more about each of the types of nootropics above, you can do your part to ensure you’re creating a stack that will promise the benefits you want. With the right combination, you’ll have the energy, focus, and drive to take on every day, all while improving your long-term cognitive health in the process.

You can purchase NooCube today from the official website NooCube.

Any enquiry, please whatsapp / telegram admin at +6011 3222 9401.

Thank You and have a nice trade.


Perniagaan Research & Development

Bila Berniaga Kena Pandai Berjimat Cermat

Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat,

Bila masuk bidang perniagaan, kena pandai berjimat cermat dan tahu untuk mengurus sumber kewangan yang sedia ada. Penting sungguh bab ni sebenarnya.

Baru-baru ni admin ada singgah sat dekat pejabat MARA Jitra untuk bertanyakan tentang perihal pinjaman untuk mengembangkan bisnes ( saja tanya, mana tau kot-kot ada peluang kan….. ). Emmmm……..agak menghampakan kerana syarat pada peringkat awal sudah terkeluar daripada syarat utama yang admin amalkan iaitu berjimat cermat. Kenapa?. Buah mola depa suruh sewa kedai atau kena ada premis perniagaan…………..baru lah layak untuk memohon sebarang pinjaman. Emmmm, admin tanya setakat tu saja laaaa sebab syarat yang diberi admin tak dak dan tak layak ( admin guna konsep berniaga dari rumah + internet ).

Admin berniaga 10 tahun dah,  dari modai RM60 sampai laa ni. Premis perniagaan hanya dekat rumah yang ada internet berkelajuan tinggi ( 2 mbps…….depa kata berkelajuan tinggi ) dan tak pernah sewa kedai atau premis perniagaan ( kecuali rumah sewa harga RM250 sahaja ).  Semua tu semata-mata untuk menjimatkan kos ( hampa tau dak kalau ikut syarat MARA bagi tu, berapa det dah admin akan rugi? ). Di dalam bisnes, bukan hasil jualan yang admin ambil kira tetapi untung bersih. Pasainya, dari untung bersih ni laaa nanti kita akan rembat segalanya untuk bayar segala keperluan untuk menampung segala kos. Emmm…hasil jualan adalah kos tetap yang tak boleh dikacau sama sekali. Dalam sebulan, admin hanya perlu RM 3 ribu hingga RM 4 ribu sahaja sebagai target untung kritikal. Paling sikit RM 2 ribu dan dengan target paling sikit iniiiii punnnnnnnnnnnn, admin masih lagi boleh menjalankan bisnes dengan keadaan yang begitu bergaya sekali ( yang ni kena belakon sahaja ) dan biasanya hasil akan dapat lebih dari target kritikal tersebut. Beban kos kekal yang kritikal dan perlu ada untuk setiap bulan  adalah di bawah paras RM 1k sahaja ( heee..heeee memang jimat gila beb ).

Untuk kes MARA tadi, admin memang mampu untuk membuat bayaran balik ( ikut hukum akal yang terbatas ) pinjaman tersebut tetapi jika ikut syarat yang MARA tetapkan mungkin admin terpaksa surrender ( ikut hukum akal juga ). Emmmmm, ada ka kos sewa premis perniagaan atau kedai kawasan hotspot dan segala kos tambahan di bawah RM 500? ( mungkin ada tetapi hampir tiada ). Sekarang ni untuk tembus market hotspot cukup dengan adanya kuasa kuda rangkaian internet berkelajuan tinggi. Emmm………… lagi satu perkara penting, pencapaian hari ini tidak mencerminkan untuk esok hari dan kita perlu memilih bajet yang paling sedikit untuk hasil pencapaian esok hari yang tidak menentu supaya perniagaan terus bertahan dan terus bertahan. Jika MARA dapat mengubah stratergi  untuk membantu usahawan yang baru meningkat naik melalui kaedah suntikan dana penyambung hayat yang ada sekarang ini, admin pasti kadar tidak mampu bayar dan cabut lari dari kalangan peminjam dapat dikurangkan.

Sekian terima kasih dan selamat majujaya.


Research & Development SEO

Kos Iklan Adwords Untuk 2 Bulan 25K

Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat,

Untuk tempoh 2 bulan sahaja, ada seorang anak muda masej dekat admin katanya dia telah berjaya meleburkan duitnya sebanyak RM25k ++ semata-mata untuk iklan berbayar ( hampa ada berani macam dia ka? ). Platfom yang dia guna adalah google adwords. Dia buat benda ni ikut kaedah try and error ( perghhhhh, memang tabik spring ).

Sale untuk tempoh 2 bulan yang dia berjaya kutip adalah RM50k ++ dan katanya untung bersih sekitar RM 8k ke RM 10k macam tu. ( tak pasti macam mana dia rekodkan segala transaksi ). Katanya, kos iklan semakin mahal dan dia berhajat  untuk mencuba alternatif lain yang lebih jimat dan sekarang ni dia tengah training secara hand-on dengan admin untuk menguasai teknik SEO + CONTENT MARKETING untuk kempen iklan organiknya ( long term projek dia untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan yang melampau-lampau dekat platfom iklan berbayar ). Ini projek dari UNIVERSITY OF LIFE ( certificate tak ada, dapat ilmu saja ).

Kita tengok lepas ni apa akan jadi dekat dia…..heeeee……heeeee dan jika ada lagi usahawan lain yang ingin menguasai teknik SEO khusus untuk bisnes dan long term projek, boleh contact admin / whatsapp / telegram di talian 011 3222 9401.

Sekian terima kasih dan selamat majujaya.

p/s: University of life laaaaaa…..apa lagi.