Free Education Programs Mind Hacking Research & Development

Cara Lain Untuk Aktifkan 90 Billion Neuron Sel Dalam Minda

Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat,

Ini salah satu projek untuk melahirkan manusia bijak, cerdik dan pandai dan….emmmmm….. mungkin juga tahap super. Ada banyak cara tetapi yang ini salah satu darinya dan yang boleh diaplikasikan jika berani laaaaa. Haaa…haaaaa siapa yang tak mau jadi bijak dan pandai tanpa had kan? ( yang ini bahan sokongan saja tau ).

Sebelum itu, filem The Limitless ( sila tonton cerita kesluruhanya jika berkenan untuk diambil peduli ) telah pun menceritakan serba sedikit bagaimana teknik atau cara alternatif ini bekerja dan mengaktifkan 90 billion neuron sel yang telah sedia ada ( dalam filem limitless, mereka mengaktifkan 100% teruih……haaaa…haaaa…). Manusia yang ada sistem blocking dalam minda  ( aku dah kaya, aku dah ada phd, aku dah ada bisnes, mak bapak aku dah kaya, duit aku dah banyak dalam bank, aku dah penat dan segala macam dah………) biasanya tak boleh terima cara ini….oh kesianya. Awas! ayat DAH..adalah mantra paling berkesan untuk memberhentikan atau memberi arahan jelas kepada minda untuk blok semua benda asing yang datang dari luar untuk masuk sebagai elemen baru yang akan menggantikan dan membantu elemen yang telah sedia ada untuk mencapai satu level baru yang lebih hebat.

The Limitless

Buat masa ini, admin tak layan kapsul perangsang minda seperti dalam filem tersebut. Admin hanya support dengan bahan perangsang nootropics iaitu sejenis produk herba alami yang diberi nama NooCube ( di gelar juga smart drugs atau nootropics ). Kegunaanya untuk meningkatkan kuasa kuda untuk minda, supaya lebih fokus, memperbaiki sel otak yang dah kendur, mengatasi masalah pelupa dan meningkatkan daya konsentrasi pada minda keperingkat tertinggi ( macam dalam filem limitless tu laaa ). Ada banyak cara lagi dan kaedah ini salah satu darinya yang sedang diusahakan.

Jika ada sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan, sila whatsapp/telegram ke talian 01132229401.

Sekian terima kasih dan selamat majujaya.

P/s: don’t worry, any mistakes is a revenue ( income )


Free Education Programs Research & Development

Nootropics Cognitive Enhancers Malaysia

Assalamualaikum and salam hormat,

Basically we call its nootropics ( also called smart drugs too ) or other substances that can improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity and motivation in healthy individuals. That is the product alternative we are used to activated brain cells. Read more about nootropics and 7 types you should know at my personal blog.

Nootropics was coined in 1972 by Romanian psychologist chemist Dr Corneliu Giurgea. He stated that nootropic drugs should have the following characteristics:

  1. They should enhance learning and memory.
  2. They should enhance the resistance of learned behaviors/memories to conditions which tend to disrupt them (e.g. electroconvulsive shock, hypoxia).
  3. They should protect the brain against various physical or chemical injuries (e.g. barbiturates, scopalamine).
  4. They should increase the efficacy of the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms.
  5. They should lack the usual pharmacology of other psychotropic drugs (e.g. sedation, motor stimulation) and possess very few side effects and extremely low toxicity.

Nootropics Malaysia

That’s where NooCube comes in.

NooCube’s superior formula was designed by top neuroscientists with only clinically backed and rigorously tested ingredients. This eliminates the guesswork and risk of nootropics while offering the safe, effective experience you expect from your supplements.

NooCube creates a heightened mental state in which:

  1. Reactions to stimuli are quicker
  2. Focus becomes clearer
  3. Awareness is heightened
  4. Productivity skyrockets
  5. Efficiency is guaranteed
  6. Mental sharpness is imminent

As such, you can transcend common limitations to get through piles of work, study, or achieve other goals without feeling fatigued or unfocused.

Try NooCube At No Risk to You!

NooCube’s formula has been researched and tested by top neuroscientists and now, we want you to experience the benefits for yourself. The best part is that you can do so with a 60-day money back guarantee.

This means that if you don’t experience the improved memory, concentration, multitasking, communication, mental energy, and general brain functioning you should, you can return NooCube for your money back.

You can purchase NooCube today from the official website NooCube.

Any enquiry or purchase directly from my personal stock , please whatsapp / telegram admin at +6011 3222 9401.

Thank You and have a nice days.

P/s: Every mistake is a revenue. Please ignore my mistake and help me to improved my English writing skilled.